The Old Gallery Winter Break (2024)
The Old Gallery 14863 Colorado Hwy 7 Allenspark, CO 80510, CO, United StatesWe will be closed for our annual winter break. Enjoy the Holidays and see you in February!
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We will be closed for our annual winter break. Enjoy the Holidays and see you in February!
Juggling Club Led by: Mike Brown Have you always been curious about juggling? Or maybe you know how to juggle and want to practice and grow your skills. The Juggling Club at The Old Gallery is perfect for you! We provide guidance and all equipment. Why...
Brittni Hamilton hosts a weekly meditation class. Please join us every Monday to tune inward and reset for your week. Class will begin with a short mindfulness reading followed by 40 minutes of seated meditation. This is not a guided meditation but merely space being...
The Book Club continues to meet now with the regular summer hours at 4:3opm. Please contact Vicki for the latest book selections and meeting locations at
The popular Creative Writing group continues through the winter season. This is a bi-weekly class available to everyone in the community who enjoys spontaneous, fun, and interesting writing. No experience is necessary…just a desire to express ideas, thoughts, and experiences on paper with interesting prompts....
Peggy Mauerman will be hosting video yoga this winter until Peggy D returns in April. Date: Weekly starting Jan. 2nd. Classes are held on both Tuesday and Thursday. Time: 9 am Cost: Donations welcome. Contact Peggy at
Workshop for Mental Health / Stress Release Enhance mental focus; Increase mental clarity; Improve mental endurance; and Reduce stress This two-hour experiential and interactive workshop will cover the basics of mental health from the perspective of the Five Element theory used in Chinese Medicine. You will...
Join Peggy Donahue of Pacha Mamma Massage & Yoga for classes upstairs at The Old Gallery. Peggy trained at Shoshoi Yoga Retreat Center in Rollinsville, CO and has taught since 2006. Her personal Yoga practice began more than 35 years ago. Peggy enjoys and lives...
Join Peggy Donahue of Pacha Mamma Massage & Yoga for classes upstairs at The Old Gallery. Peggy trained at Shoshoi Yoga Retreat Center in Rollinsville, CO and has taught since 2006. Her personal Yoga practice began more than 35 years ago. Peggy enjoys and lives...
Board member, Caitlynn Brig, is hosting a follow-up “Brainstorm and Brews”. Please join us to share your ideas and suggestions about activities at the old gallery. All ideas and feedback welcome! BYOB RSVP at or just show up!