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About Us

The Old Gallery Center for Community, Arts, and Visitors was formed in the summer of 2008 through a community-wide effort. During its sixteen years in operation, The Old Gallery (TOG) has become a thriving center of activity and an integral part of Allenspark and nearby mountain communities, serving local residents as well as visitors from all over the world.

From its inception, TOG has provided social services and assistance to families in need. The Community Cupboard Food Bank provides food and supplies free of charge, twice monthly to 25 to 30 local families each time – no questions asked. In 2023, over 19,000 pounds of food was distributed to folks in need. Our volunteers also fill the woodshed every winter with over 25 cords of firewood, to ensure that no one is cold through the long winters. The Community Closet makes free clothing available to anyone in need. Partnering with the OUR Center, Mental Health Partners, and Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, we strive to offer services to all members of our community and see that their needs are met.

The Old Gallery provides a venue for residents, both part-time and full-time, a place to relax and socialize through such programs as monthly potlucks, annual events such as Hogabluesa, Run Like The Wind 5K/2K race, and the Gala, and regular performances by a variety of visiting musical artists. Yoga, Creative Writing, Book Club, Hiking group, and Juggling Club are just a sampling of the group activities offered.

The Old Gallery is a center for the visual and performing arts. Currently twenty-seven local multi-media artists – painters, potters, photographers, jewelers, all display and sell their work at TOG. Musical performances span the range from bluegrass to local classical musicians and world-famous performers.

Our Board

Click on the photos below to meet our board members.

Our Volunteer Staff

Click on the photos below to meet our Volunteer Staff members.

Our Staff

Click on the photos below to meet our staff members.

Mission Statement

The mission of The Old Gallery is to provide resources and opportunities to enrich lives in our mountain communities. We achieve our mission through our diverse programs:

  • Basic human services for people in need
  • Visual and performing arts
  • Wellness
  • Community events
  • Education
  • Visitor information

Dan Crane Community Excellence Award

In 2014, the Board of Directors at The Old Gallery created the Community Excellence Award to recognize individuals who have made exceptional contributions to our community.

The first recipient of this award was Allenspark resident Dan Crane, recognized for his exceptional service during the flood of 2013. Sadly, Dan died too young in a motorcycle accident, devastating our small community. The Award was then renamed in his honor and is presented at the annual Gala.

If you would like to nominate someone for this award please contact info@theoldgallery.org.

To view our Past Honorees click here.


The Old Gallery (TOG) was established as a Colorado nonprofit corporation in 2008. The Old Gallery is governed by a Board of Directors and is operated primarily by volunteers and a small staff. Area residents of Allenspark, Raymond, Riverside, Estes Park and the Peak to Peak communities volunteer hundreds of hours annually, offering vital services, entertainment and educational opportunities. The Old Gallery building is a 1940s era log structure that was renovated in 2015, thanks to the support of hundreds of donors. The Old Gallery is tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3).

In 2017, Janet and David Robertson of Boulder and Meeker Park, offered a matching challenge grant to pay up to $350,000 to retire The Old Gallery’s $670,000 construction loan. The challenge proved successful with contributions made by many supportive residents and visitors. The Old Gallery is forever grateful to those who donated as we would not be where we are today without them!

From the very beginning in 2008, Margie and Glenn Patterson championed the vision of a community and cultural arts center for the Peak to Peak community. Many individuals came together with contributions, totaling nearly $100,000 to form a down payment on a loan for purchase of the property. As time went on, TOG benefitted from the generous donation of expertise from local artists, business personnel, attorneys, musicians and technology experts to help guide The Old Gallery in its quest for success.  Leading the new organization from the conception phase through the construction expansion of the building were Margie and Glenn Patterson, who donated thousands of hours to the Gallery as well as significant financial support. They brought classical music, children’s events, the initial Food Bank effort and much more to The Old Gallery.

Other members of the community have provided long term support of the Gallery through financial donations and years of volunteer time, through board membership, committee participation and all jobs great and small.  Dave and Jan Robertson led the Gallery supporters through their long term financial commitments from the early years of the Gallery through the 2017 retirement of the construction loan.

Dave and Louise Pinkow committed generous financial resources as well as volunteering hundreds of hours each year, from manning the front desk to assisting with the Community Food Bank to working with Boulder County on community services for local residents. They also introduced the Takács String Quartet performances at The Old Gallery.

Vicki and Bill Dyas  made significant contributions to the Gallery financially, creatively, and managerially.  Vicki created the artists community as well as many class programs. Bill oversaw the new construction of the building. He also managed the building while building event props and the front desk.

Long time board member, board advisor and legal counsel Robert Kerr has been responsible for the drafting of TOG’s original Articles of Incorporation, much appreciated legal advice throughout TOG’s history and extensive contributions to the long, complex and detailed Special Use Application and Re-Application with Boulder County, necessary to allow expanded uses of the Gallery.

After the construction of the expanded building, the Gallery’s first paid executive director, Micha Kurz, was critical in the transition of the Gallery to a new operating entity with a focus on community relations. Elisabeth Sherwin, the second executive director, guided the Gallery through the construction loan retirement phase, creating new programs and events for the community. She brought square dancing back to The Old Gallery and introduced the Memoir Writing Class. Her partner, Mike Brown, also assisted extensively with the Special Use Re-Application to Boulder County after the construction of the building was complete and is responsible for bringing tai chi and juggling to The Old Gallery.

Cat Osban has been a long-time supporter, known for her decorating skills and sense of fun. She created Run Like The Wind 5K and Dog Jog, which has brought hundreds of runners from the Front Range to Allenspark and has been a key fundraiser for The Old Gallery.

Holly Bea-Weaver has provided copywriting and marketing expertise to help promote the activities, services and mission of The Old Gallery. She and her husband Steve Weaver created the new website, which was launched in 2019. They also introduced events like Songwriters in the Round, Rocky Mountain 101, Red White & Bluegrass and the continuation of Hogabluesa Blues, BBQ & Brews.

These are only a few of the many long-term supporters of The Old Gallery.

Click here to view a historical timeline of The Old Gallery, which was originally built in 1904.

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Annual Reports

Click here for IRS 990 forms for the past three years.

990 Tax Return – 2021
990 Tax Return – 2022
990 Tax Return – 2023

Supporting schedules can be provided upon request.


The Old Gallery is grateful for the support of so many foundations and grants since 2008:

  • Anschutz Family Foundation
  • Boulder County Arts Alliance
  • Boulder County Parks and Open Space
  • Community Foundation of Boulder County
  • Community Share Longmont
  • El Pomar Foundation
  • Foothills United Way Boulder County Government
  • Gates Family Foundation
  • Longmont Community Foundation
  • Musser Foundation
  • Regional Air Quality Council
  • TARP (Tourism and Recreation Program) of Boulder County
  • Village Thrift Shop of Estes Park
  • Worthy Cause of Boulder County

Events Calendar

Calendar of Events

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Video Yoga

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Video Yoga

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Video Yoga

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Video Yoga

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Sunday Movie Night

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Video Yoga

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Video Yoga

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Video Yoga

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Video Yoga

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